I can't believe I have been in Rome for four weeks as of today! CRAZY! I've already failed at my goal of writing every Sunday, but I have a valid excuse. hahaha
GIORNO 20: Monday, we ended up having class for only an hour and a half. Antonella then took us to the art store to get supplies since it's impossible to bring all our supplies from home on a plane. After the art store, we went to a buffet which was delicious. They had the BEST NOODLES EVER. Although, I think I ate tuna. Not good news
. It was a rice, vegetable, meat mix, and I was thoroughly convinced it was chicken. But when I started eating...ewwww. It took so much will power NOT to throw up. After lunch, Antonella took us to the designer shops by the Spanish Steps. We got to see Gucci, Valentino, Versace, Chanel, Armani, Yves Saint Laurent, Dior, etc. You name it, we saw it. We even got to go in the Versace store!!!! It was sooooo pretty!!!!! *-* Ahh!!! The detail on each garment was impeccable!!!! I was in heaven! It gives me comfort to know that I'm not the only designer in the world who goes crazy with details and perfection. Although, I was scared to touch anything. There was a dress for €68,000!!!! Can you believe that?!?!?! I even got a free 2010/2011 runway book. Very cool!
GIORNO 21: On Tuesday, Emilio took us to the National Museum of Rome. It was amazing!!!! I say that about everything, but it's true!!! We got to see some famous statues like the discus thrower. After that, I went to school to work on my trend forecasting boards. I was there until almost 7, came home, drew 5 poses, and went to bed.
Naked man statue throwing a discus
GIORNO 22: In class, we worked on our trend boards all day. Antonella came around and gave us suggestions, see how we were doing, see if we needed help, etc. She has a good eye and her suggestions are always very eye opening. And, of course, being me, what do I do? I make my ideas the most complicated things. But, she was very impressed, which is a good thing.
GIORNO 23: Empires of the Mediterranean then worked in the studio all day. Are you starting to get an idea as to why I didn't write on Sunday? hahahaha
GIORNO 24: WORKED ALL DAY!!!!!! (Finally found a hair straightener! Woohoo!!!! And, ended up helping the electrician. When I came home from the art store, he was trying to fix the doorbells, and he asked me if I would help him. It took a few times before I completely understood what he was wanting me to do, but figured it out! Yay!!!!) Also, my roommates went to the Bay of Naples for a side tour. (Naples doesn't interest me too much, so I didn't go.) Soooo, that meant that I could turn on my music and sing and sing and sing while I worked. hahaahaha. Yes, this is what I do. Don't make fun of me. kkkkk
GIORNO 25: WORKED ALL DAY!!!!!! Got lectured for working all day. Oh well....this habit is really, really hard to break.
GIORNO 26: Church was fantastic. Bus of Awesomeness retained it's title. To all those who are anxiously awaiting the report on my love life, well...let's just say my parents can relax again. The guy from the previous week was just a visitor. Oh welllll. But, I got something even better. FRIENDS!!! There were 3 new girls this week, all from different countries here to study. One of them is from Texas, another from Romania, and the other from France (woohoo). The Romanian, Ralu, speaks English better than Italian, so she was releaved to find out I was American. And I was releaved that she spoke English. hahaha. Between the 6 languages all of us speak (Italian, French, Romanian, English, Spanish, and kinda Portuguese) we somehow manage to communicate. Funny language story: in Sunday School, the teacher had us introduce ourselves. I was the last to go...and I'm sure you can all imagine what happened. hahahaha. I start out, "Sono..." ".........." I was so focused on getting my Italian right that I forgot my name. "Sono Brittany!!!" I said I was from the US, studying fashion, all that jazz and then I said "Non parlo l'inglese molto bene." At this point, all of us burst out laughing, including me. hahahahahaha wowwwww. wait wait! "Non parlo l'italiano molto bene." hahahhaha. The teacher speaks English so she was very willing to help us. And yes, she makes us speak. kkkkkk. I am definitely going to learn the language with her as a teacher, whether I like it or not. hahaha. All of us girls are going to try and get together this weekend to go do something. All of them just got here. Since I've been here the longest, I want to make sure everyone adjusts well. I am soooo excited to have church friends! That seriously makes the biggest difference!
While I was waiting for the Bus of Awesomeness to return, a woman started talking with me. She spoke broken English and I spoke broken Italian. hahaha. You can just imagine how that went. Bus of Awesomeness came, and even with both of us waving our hands saying stop!, it kept on going. New name for Bus of Awesomeness: Bus of Fickleness. Both of us just start yelling, her in Italian, me in French (yes, I don't yell in English when I'm mad, I yell in French...don't ask why...your guess is as good as mine). She was very kind in telling me another bus to take to get to my stop.
Came home. Ate food. Worked. Went to bed.
GIORNO 27: Mondayyyyy, mondayyyyyyyyyyyyy. Worked all day in class, stayed after class til late. Ughhhh...this project took forever.
GIORNO 28: Emilio took us to a church...don't remember what it was called and too lazy to go get my paper. But, it was closed. So, we went to Santa Maria Maggiore. There we saw many interesting things like Bernini's tomb, the "supposed" pieces of Christ's manger and the column he was whipped on. As to whether they are real or not...well, that's up for you to decide. I also went inside my first crypt. Soooo coooooool!!!!! Went back to school after class, worked on my boards and finished by 3:15!!!!!!!! Came home and slept til 9:00. Then went back to bed at 9:30. hahaha.
Bernini's tomb
GIORNO 29: Today we had our presentations/critiques for our boards. Overall, things went very well. Everyone was very impressed with my work. I am so happy with how they turned out!!!! Antonella would like to keep my boards which is a really good sign! :D Now I can finally breathe again...for about 5 minutes...then it's time to work on the next two projects. Life never slows down. Below are pictures of the boards, although they look 10x better in real life. Just imagine them in 3D relief.
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